Improvement of Façade Project
Storefronts and façades are the most important architectural feature of most historic commercial buildings. They define the character of a historic commercial area. Storefronts also play a crucial role in your business’s advertising strategy to draw more customers and increase your profile. The façade is the face your business puts towards the public, and Façade Improvements In Pune can help your business stand out.
Satori Consulting will help you through the design choices you will think about as part of a façade improvement project. By making improvements in one integrated project for your building you can get the best bang for your investment and design project buck.
Elements of a Façade
Cornice- Ornamental trims or molding at the meeting of the roof and wall; defines the top edge of the building or the division between the storefront and upper floors
Sign bands or panel - Horizontal area above the storefront and below the second story windows where a sign can be placed
Transom windows - Horizontal windows above the storefront or door. Looking for Premium UPVC Windows and Doors in Pune?
Display window- Large, eye-level windows providing views from the street into the interior of the business that showcases interior activity and goods
Recessed entry - Protects passing pedestrians from out-swinging doors and allows shoppers a sheltered transition to and from the store
Style and Character
Architectural style, character, and details are core components of how your building and business appears visually. Special architectural details, such as a classic stone cornice or historical decorative flourish, provide visual interest and mark your building as distinctive. Architectural details add to the character of your building and indicate to customers that you value your building and their experience of it.
Key Questions:
What are the various architectural features comprising the storefront and how are they arranged in relationship to each other?
Are there any decorative elements ?
Is there a cornice or other detail between the first and second floor?
Are some elements older than others indicating changes over time?
Uncover and preserve historic details and materials.
Repair deteriorated or damaged architectural details.
Replace missing architectural details, when possible, with ones that closely match originals in appearance and materials.
Define building edges and main entrances with architectural details that are sensitive to the building scale, historic character, and customer experience.
Remove insensitive additions.
Recognize changes over time that have become significant in their own right and retain them in good condition.
Ensure all new alterations are sympathetic to the character of the building, its neighbors, and the district.