Soundproof Studio Window in Pune
As a leader in building renovation solutions, Satori Consulting creates PVC extrusions for windows and doors that set new standards for premium performance and distinctive design. From aesthetics to function and durability, Satori Consulting products benefit from quality materials and the most advanced technology.
Satori Consulting offers a real world-class Soundproof Studio Window with maximum performance and appearance, as well as an affordable price – especially compared with site-built alternatives. This beautiful Soundproof Studio Window has angled and flat glasswork options for maximum aural performance.
Truly affordable high Performance noise control window
Performance tested & certified at an affordable price
Custom engineered & manufactured to any size
Anodized aluminum frames with standard frame finishes of natural aluminum & bronze – also available in other specialty finishes
Quick turnaround delivery upon order!
Fast & easy installation – no need for a glazing contractor or special tools ASI includes installation instructions & necessary shop drawings
Auditoriums, bars, restaurants, conference and board rooms, open office areas, hotels, medical facilities, sports and entertainment venues, casinos, retail stores, theaters, schools, audiophile rooms, laboratories, recording studios, houses of worship, manufacturing and industrial facilities, gun ranges, music practice and band rooms, airports, apartments, condos, and more.
Our Studio Windows have been tested, completely assembled in a certified acoustics lab. You can be assured that we will provide the best available solution along with expert advice for your recording studio.
Pune Office
Satori Consulting, Pune
15-16, Runwal Platinium, Ramnagar Colony, NDA Road, Bavdhan, Pune - 411 021
Mobile : +91 9552633400
Email :
Factory Address
Phronesiz Marketing Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
Address: F-24, Besides Taramati Bafana Andh Vidhyalaya, Brijwadi Road, MIDC Chikalthana, Aurangabad – 431 007
Mobile : +91 9881999111
Email :